jueves, abril 25, 2024
Education and Culture

Retoman más de 35.5 millones de estudiantes actividades al concluir vacaciones de Semana Santa: SEP

#SecretaríaDeEducaciónPública.- More than 35.5 million students and more than two million teachers from 261 thousand public and private schools will resume school activities at the end of the Easter holiday period.

The Ministry of Public Education (SEP) invites the members of the National Education System to attend classes in their entirety, since the necessary sanitary conditions exist, in addition to the fact that learning in the classroom translates into physical and socio-emotional benefits for students.

Thus, the almost 24.6 million students and more than 1.2 million teachers of Basic Education, as well as the enrollment of Higher Secondary Education, of more than 4.9 million students and 408 thousand teachers in all subsystems, will restart activities this April 25 in a face-to-face manner.

Likewise, more than 104 thousand students of public Normal Education will resume classes, as well as almost two million young people who are enrolled in job training courses.


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