sábado, abril 20, 2024
Health and Safety

Issste School of Dietetics and Nutrition joins prevention strategy in medical units

#InstitutoDeSeguridadYServiciosSocialesDeLosTrabajadoresDelEstado.- The School of Dietetics and Nutrition (EDN) of the Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (Issste) joins the strategy of promoting prevention among the population by providing nutritional guidance to patients through the social service that students perform in first level care clinics, as well as to the people in charge of food management in all the medical units of the country, informed the general director, Pedro Zenteno Santaella.

Given the warning that obesity represents an alarming problem in Mexico and that it is one of the main causes of chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs), the head of the institute stressed that Issste is determined to promote a culture of prevention, and recognized the work of the EDN in training specialists with high standards of quality education, research and service.

The objective is to change the curative health model for a preventive one throughout the country, which is an important challenge that requires the commitment of each and every one of the people who make up the institute. The students support the beneficiaries and promote the work of specialists to guide, educate and participate in the modification of lifestyles and healthy habits, he pointed out.


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