martes, abril 23, 2024
Health and Safety

Issste will not tolerate acts of corruption and theft of medicines and supplies: Pedro Zenteno / @drpedrozenteno @ISSSTE_mx >>>

#ISSSTE.- On instructions from President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (Issste) is working in coordination with the Secretaría de Seguridad y Protección Ciudadana (SSPC) to safeguard the resources destined for the medical care of its beneficiaries, such as medicines, supplies and surgical material, among others.

For this reason, a security operation is being maintained that involves checking the entrance and exit of medical and administrative personnel working in Issste’s medical units.

The general director, Pedro Zenteno Santaella, urged workers to collaborate in this procedure because it is in favor of the institute. «We will not allow or tolerate acts of theft, corruption, violence, or actions that threaten institutional integrity or affect the service to our beneficiaries».

#MéxicoNewsTvMéxico Noticias tv

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