martes, abril 16, 2024

Celaya will create a municipal protection program for children and adolescents / @jmendozamarquez @municipiocelaya >>>

#Celaya, #Gto.- The Municipal System for the Integral Protection of the Rights of Children and Adolescents of Celaya (SIPINNNA CYA), will work on the elaboration of a Municipal Protection Program, a tool that allows for strategic planning to ensure the effective exercise of their rights.

This was approved during the second Ordinary Session of said system, held this Wednesday, April 19, which is headed by the Municipal President of Celaya, Francisco Javier Mendoza Márquez, after voting on the creation of a multidisciplinary group to work on the program, as well as on the promotion of mechanisms for child participation.

«Children and adolescents are the most valuable asset we have in our Celaya Bonita and what we do today for their well-being will be reflected in the construction of a better society for tomorrow,» said the municipal president, Javier Mendoza, who led this session.

María del Sagrario Villegas Grimaldo, state executive secretary of SIPINNA Guanajuato, participated in the session, exposing the suggested process for the construction of the municipal protection program, as it derives from an exhortation of the Guanajuato State Congress in which all municipalities must have such a program.

Rosa María Suárez de Mendoza, president of the Board of Trustees of the DIF Celaya System, remarked that listening to the voices of children is fundamental for the construction of better public policies, for this reason we will also work on participation mechanisms so that their proposals are heard.

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