sábado, mayo 4, 2024

Javier Mendoza presents 2021-2024 government program

#Celaya, #Gto.- The municipal president of Celaya, Javier Mendoza Márquez, presented the Government Program of the 2021-2024 administration, in which he highlighted the main actions that during the three years of his government, he will carry out on priority issues for the people of Celaya.

Celaya en Paz, Celaya en Grande, Celaya con Futuro, Celaya Saludable and Gobierno Efectivo con Enfoque Humano y Social, are the five nodes that form the basis of the Government Program, with a total of 200 actions to be carried out over the next three years.

Accompanied by his wife Rosa María Suárez, Governor Diego Sinhue Rodríguez, local and federal legislators, state secretaries, representatives of the federal security forces, members of the City Council and invited guests, the mayor explained the main actions that will mark his administration.

Among the projects he highlighted were the South Distributor, a major project that will optimize mobility in the southern zone; the implementation of a traffic light project to improve mobility and safety in the city, for an amount of 181 million pesos.


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