martes, mayo 7, 2024

The mayoress of Tecámac, Mariela Gutiérrez, remains as the best evaluated in the State of Mexico: Roy Campos / @MarielaGtzEsc @MejorTecamac >>>

#Tecámac, #Edoméx.- The experienced pollster, Roy Campos, released the recent evaluation of 150 mayors, in which the Municipal President of Tecámac, Mariela Gutiérrez Escalante, remained as the best qualified in the State of Mexico, and among the best at a national level.

Gutiérrez Escalante is the most approved mayor with 57 percent of acceptance by her constituents. In a video on social networks, she explains the measurement carried out by Consulta Mitofsky corresponding to August, in which she details that none of the municipal presidents that occupy the first five places correspond to the capital of any state, nor do they belong to a single political party.

Municipal presidents rank, on average, one point above women, but the political scientist also states that high approval does not depend on gender, nor does it depend on which political party they belong to. It depends on their work, on communication, on the way they won, among other factors.

The mayors are the closest authority to the people with power and they are more easily punished or approved, indicates the President of Consulta-Mitofsky, Actuary and Mathematician by the UNAM, with Masters in Statistics and Actuary at the Inter-American Center for Social Security Studies, and Diplomas in Political Analysis, Senior Business Management and Marketing, among others.

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