lunes, mayo 13, 2024

Seeking to give legal certainty to neighbors with «Wills Month» in Tecámac, Edoméx / @MarielaGtzEsc @MejorTecamac >>>

#Tecámac, #Edoméx.- The municipal government of Tecámac launched the «Month of the Will», in order to promote the culture of foresight, certainty and legal security of the patrimony of the families of this territory.

The municipal president, Mariela Gutiérrez commented that what is sought is that the people of Tecámac do not inherit to their beneficiaries legal problems that derive in family conflicts.

Through the Legal and Consultative Department, she urged them to formalize the corresponding process in an easy and fast way, which will have a preferential cost, as part of the actions that are promoted to support the family economy.

The will is a legal instrument that is granted to a person to decide the fate of their assets, rights and obligations after their death, hence the importance of acting responsibly and avoid leaving problems, added the municipal president.

Those interested may carry out the procedure at the offices of this General Directorate, located on the Mexico-Pachuca federal highway, km. 36.5, colonia 5 de Mayo, next to the Civil Guard of Tecámac, from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 17:00 hours.

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