sábado, mayo 4, 2024

In Guanajuato, social development advances for families in San Miguel de Allende / @MauricioTrejoP @GobMunicipalSMA >>>

#SanMiguelDeAllende, #Gto.- After announcing the results of the first year of activities, the DIF of San Miguel de Allende continues to make progress in the social development of San Miguel de Allende families.

During the «First DIF Report», the municipal president Mauricio Trejo stressed that the priority of the Municipal Government is not only the attention to the economic development and safety of the people, but that each sanmiguelense also has the conditions for his family to be better every day, whether in the neighborhoods and colonies as in rural communities.

«Every person who enters the DIF of San Miguel de Allende leaves with a smile, and that is very important, and leaves with a ray of hope, a real one, that things will work out well for them. There is no child who has hope that things will work out well for them if they don’t eat well and you are bringing record amounts of food to all those who need it. No woman can hope to do well if she is a victim of violence, and no man can hope to do well if there is violence in his home, even if he generates it. Men who generate violence in their homes are self-harming and there are also some who are victims of violence and I am seeing how they are attacking the issue of family violence, thus generating homes without violence.

It is the virtuous circle of everything that fits in this circle called DIF, everything is connected, everything is connected,» said Mauricio Trejo.

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