viernes, mayo 3, 2024
Education and Culture

The Original Dye House presented ancestral knowledge of dyeing work in México / @alefrausto @cultura_mx >>>

#SecretaríaDeCultura.- The great biodiversity found in México is also reflected in handicrafts through the use of natural dyes. In each region of the country, native artists use plants, flowers and animals from their environment to color their works through laborious processes that preserve the ancestral tradition while constantly evolving through experimentation to obtain different shades, using cochineal, indigo, Brazil wood, walnut and eucalyptus bark, lichen, purple snail, among many other natural resources.

This richness arrived at the Los Pinos Cultural Complex as part of ORIGINAL. Encounter of Mexican Textile Art in its second edition, taking over the entire House of Dyes, where 20 of the 50 artisans specialized in dye work selected for the First National Encounter of Natural Dyes, convened in 2021 by the Ministry of Culture of the Government of Mexico, through the National Fund for the Promotion of Handicrafts (Fonart), within the framework of the Chapultepec Nature and Culture project, gathered.

From the states of Chiapas, Edoméx, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Puebla, Querétaro, Tlaxcala, Veracruz and Yucatán, master craftsmen and women showed their work in the fields of lacquer and maque, textiles and vegetable fibers, including huipiles, rebozos, hammocks, bags, guajes and hand-painted canvases portraying stories of their communities.

Textile artist Anastasia Romero Sánchez, originally from Tlaquixpa, Veracruz, who makes wool pieces, said: «my mother taught me to spin and weave the pieces on a backstrap loom and now I teach my daughters. I only learned to dye about 20 years ago, we use the grass we find in the mountains, indigo and grana cochineal to obtain our colors.

#MéxicoNewsTvMéxico Noticias tv

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