miércoles, mayo 1, 2024
Education and Culture

Collaboration with the business sector to expand the Dual Education System at the High School level in México: SEP / @Letamaya @SEP_mx >>>

#SEP.- In order to expand the Dual Education System (SED) and for this model to be successfully implemented in more middle and high schools in the country, the Undersecretary of Higher Education (SEMS), Nora Ruvalcaba Gámez, stated that she will collaborate with representatives from the business sector.

At the head of the Second Ordinary Session of the Steering Committee for Dual Education at the Upper Secondary level, she explained that the implementation of the new Common Curriculum Framework (CQF) seeks to safeguard the integrity of young people by promoting peaceful environments and the fight against corruption.

In the presence of members of the Steering Committee, the Undersecretary of Higher Secondary Education pointed out that this training allows young people to successfully acquire the knowledge of this educational level, while, thanks to their stay in companies, they develop competencies and skills in a work environment, which makes their learning more significant and contributes to them receiving more and better possibilities of being hired and even with better remuneration.

Accompanied by the heads of the educational subsystems that participate in this educational option, Ruvalcaba Gámez pointed out that it is the SEMS’ duty to work so that young people who graduate from High School Education do so with solid training that guarantees they are properly qualified, whether they wish to continue studying or enter the labor market.

#MéxicoNewsTvMéxico Noticias tv

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