sábado, mayo 18, 2024
Distinguished news

Government of Irapuato, in Guanajuato, delivers equipment for the ‘Confío en Ti’ program / @LorenaAlfaroG @irapuatogob >>>

#Irapuato, #Gto.- More than 230 people from Guanajuato received equipment, tools, furniture or support cards, with which they will be able to start their productive projects, consolidate their production and growth, thanks to the support received by the State Government through the program ‘Confío en Ti’ (I trust you).

Héctor Muñoz Krieger, Director of Economy and Tourism of Irapuato, highlighted the work done in conjunction with the State Government, since these actions promote comprehensive strategies to optimize efforts and multiply the benefits to the population that most suffered the impact of the pandemic on the economy.

«We recognize the transversality with which we work, on this occasion with the ‘Confío en Ti’ program, which, through the Secretariat of Sustainable Economic Development, the Secretariat of Social and Human Development, the Institute of Guanajuato Women and the System for the Integral Development of the Family, we have opened new possibilities for sources of self-employment and the consolidation today of 231 men and women,» he mentioned.

Teresita Cruz Castro, beneficiary of the program, thanked the support because she said that, with the equipment delivered for her beauty salon, she will now be able to offer a better service to her clients, as she will have the necessary material.

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