sábado, mayo 4, 2024

In the Edoméx, Mayoress Mariela Gutiérrez states that through DIF Tecámac they will promote different actions and programs / @MarielaGtzEsc @MejorTecamac >>>

#Tecámac, #Edoméx.- The Municipal President of Tecámac, Mariela Gutiérrez Escalante, affirmed that it is a great responsibility for every government to fight the inequality gap, so she assured that her administration will focus next year to attend the most vulnerable sectors and those who need it most.

She pointed out that his government also «puts the poor first», which is why through the municipal DIF, social actions and programs have been and will continue to be promoted to attend to the population.

She mentioned that as part of the expansion of the health infrastructure, three maternal and child clinics are being built, conditioned and equipped, one in Los Reyes Acozac, another in Lomas de Tecámac and one more in Héroes Tecámac.

They will have gynecology and obstetrics services, an eight-bed labor and delivery area, three equipped operating rooms, hospitalization and women’s recovery, ultrasound and pediatric care. Basic health services will also be offered.

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