sábado, julio 27, 2024

In Guanajuato, government of San Miguel de Allende honored the memory of Don Ignacio de Allende y Unzaga / @MauricioTrejoP @GobMunicipalSMA >>>

#SanMiguelDeAllende, #Gto.- With several commemorative events organized by the Municipal Administration, headed by Mauricio Trejo Pureco, they remembered the birth of Mexico’s greatest hero and favorite son of Guanajuato, Don Ignacio de Allende y Unzaga, born 254 years ago in this municipality.

Proud of the legacy that Allende y Unzaga inherited to Mexicans, as well as the sense of rootedness that he has generated in each of the Sanmiguelenses throughout history, the municipal president stressed that Mexico was born in San Miguel de Allende and is an undeniable fact in the history of this nation.

«This is a land of brave men, but let there be no doubt: in Dolores Hidalgo the independence movement began, but in San Miguel de Allende Mexico was born and no one will take that away from us; because thanks to Allende, here in this municipality the first municipal president of the country, of what today is our homeland, of what today is Mexico, was sworn in. Ignacio Allende, the greatest hero of our country,» said Mauricio Trejo from the Civic Plaza, during the rendering of honors in honor of the First Soldier of the Homeland.

As spokesman for the people of San Miguel and Mexicans in general, the president of San Miguel emphasized that the pride and passion of the Mexican people is thanks to the legacy of Don Ignacio de Allende y Unzaga.

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