sábado, julio 27, 2024
Outstanding Governor

Tesla arrived in Nuevo León thanks to the efforts of the business community: Governor Samuel García / @samuel_garcias @nuevoleon >>>

#EstadoDeNuevoLeón.- The Employers Confederation of the Mexican Republic recognized the leadership of Governor Samuel Alejandro García Sepúlveda to achieve the installation of Tesla in Nuevo León, which will generate more than 35 thousand new jobs.

In this regard, at the General Assembly of Coparmex Nuevo Leon, Governor Samuel Garcia expressed that Tesla leaned towards our entity due to the economic cluster that the business sector has forged, in addition to universities and skilled labor.

«There was no public policy that restricted Tesla from coming to Nuevo León; Tesla came to Nuevo León because of the gravity of the market and that gravity is thanks to all the effort that the industrial, business, social community that Nuevo León has, and that today is being recognized in the world,» he stated.

«Maybe we lacked to promote ourselves more, maybe we lacked to go for it, but Nuevo León always had everything for that investment to arrive,» he added.

The State President also reaffirmed his Administration’s commitment to work hand in hand with the business sector on priority issues for Nuevo León, such as water, health, environment, security and mobility.

#MéxicoNewsTvMéxico Noticias tv

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