sábado, julio 27, 2024
Health and Safety

Issste calls to eliminate stigma against people with epilepsy / @drpedrozenteno @ISSSTE_mx >>>

#ISSSTE.- On the occasion of Purple Day, which is commemorated on the 26th of this month, the general director of the Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (Issste), Pedro Zenteno Santaella, called on the population to join the international initiative to bring epilepsy out of the shadows and eliminate the stigma against people living with this disease, since currently 95 out of every 100 patients achieve good control; it is also important to favor their social inclusion and provide them with access to all kinds of development opportunities.

The neurologist attached to the Neuropsychiatry Specialty Clinic of the institute, Cecilia Acosta Murillo, stated that «people suffering from epilepsy should know that in our institution we are aware that it is not only necessary to advance in a diagnostic, therapeutic or technological approach in dealing with this condition, we are also focused on psychosocial aspects that allow the free development of people».

For this reason, we carry out dissemination tasks to inform society about the nature of the disease, so that patients with epilepsy do not suffer rejection or are not left behind for this reason; our purpose is to incorporate them into a good quality of life.

At Issste, he said, we have programs that help to bring knowledge about epilepsy closer to the first-contact medical personnel so that they can help us with treatment and remove the stigma.

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