martes, mayo 14, 2024
Health and Safety

27 national and international professors participate in the first Brain Code Course organized by IMSS / @zoerobledo @Tu_IMSS >>>

#IMSS.- From April 10 to 14, 27 national and international professors from four countries are participating in the first Brain Code and Mechanical Thrombectomy Training Course for Latin America, organized by the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS).

The head of Neurology at the Hospital de Especialidades del Centro Médico Nacional (CMN) Siglo XXI, Alejandra Calderón Vallejo, explained that this hybrid course (face-to-face and online) – to which more than 2,000 people with medical, nursing and healthcare worker profiles have registered – is fundamental to join efforts to prevent and diagnose stroke in time.

She affirmed that Cerebrovascular Disease (CVD) or stroke is a priority issue for the health sector, as it represents the second cause of death in the world and the first cause of disability in adults, while 50 percent of the survivors are left with some kind of sequelae.

Dr. Calderón Vallejo pointed out that during this week topics such as: diagnosis, imaging modalities for acute stroke, infarct triage in the emergency room, stenosis, endovascular treatment, radial approach, new tools for mechanical thrombectomy, among others, will be discussed.

He explained that in addition to the lectures, the attendees will live a didactic experience of simulation of a mechanical thrombectomy with the use of technological models that will allow them to reinforce what they have learned throughout the course.

#MéxicoNewsTvMéxico Noticias tv

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