domingo, mayo 12, 2024
Federal Government

Government of the State of Mexico and civil associations agree on «Open Dialogue for the Education of the State of Mexico» / @delfinagomeza @Edomex >>>

#EstadoDeMéxico.- The Government of the State of Mexico, headed by Mrs. Delfina Gómez Álvarez, signed the Agreement for the organization and structuring of the «Open Dialogue for the Education of the State of Mexico», a crucial action for the educational transformation with the sum of wills and efforts of all sectors.

The Agreement was signed by Miguel Angel Hernandez Espejel, head of the Secretary of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (SECTI) of the Government of the State of Mexico, with various associations such as the «National Front for the Family», «Alliance of Teachers», «National Union of Parents», «With Participation», «Izcalli Vive», «Expo Life and Family» and «Bright Science for Mexico», represented by Alfonso Guillermo Bravo Alvarez Malo.

«It is very important to retake the humanism that the New Mexican School proposes, it is very important because it puts the community at the center, it puts at the center everything we can do to move forward collectively, many current problems are rooted in individualism,» said the Secretary.

He emphasized that this educational model seeks to form future citizens responsible for everything around them, having as principles humanism, respect for dignity, diversity in all its expressions, honesty, co-responsibility, and a deep sense of identity for our roots and our land.

Hernández Espejel explained that the main objective of this agreement is for mothers, fathers, teachers, professors and educational experts to work together to improve the quality of education, for which open work and analysis tables will be held, where key issues related to education will be discussed.

This agreement, he said, implies the open participation of all parties interested in actively joining in the construction of a stronger educational system adapted to current needs.

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