domingo, diciembre 8, 2024
Distinguished news

Samuel Hernandez signs the document “Commitment for Peace” / @Edomex >>>>

#EstadoDeMéxico.- The candidate for the 33rd district of the State of Mexico for the coalition “Sigamos Haciendo Historia”, Samuel Hernández Cruz, signed the document “Compromiso por la Paz”, which seeks to establish public policies to recover the social fabric and guarantee the safety of the inhabitants.

The standard bearer pointed out that at the initiative of the Mexican Episcopate through the Diocese of Teotihuacán, the candidates for mayor, local and federal deputies of the region, committed themselves to establish in the legislative agendas and local government plans, measures so that an environment of peace prevails.

The aspirant to the legislature of the State of Mexico, mentioned that this document will allow the recovery of the social fabric of the inhabitants of Tecámac and the Valley of Teotihuacán.

Samuel Hernandez, thanked the Bishop of the Diocese of Teotihuacan, Monsignor Guillermo Francisco Escobar Galicia, for calling the candidates to join this initiative, so that families can live in an environment of peace, especially for children and young people who are the future of the State of Mexico.

This event was held in the municipality of Teotihuacan, which was convened by the National Network for Peace, Chapter State of Mexico, and was signed by 25 candidates from different political parties from six municipalities in the region.

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