lunes, julio 8, 2024
Federal Government

In Texcoco, Governor Delfina Gómez Álvarez starts the delivery of more than 1,000 Health and Wellness cards / @Edomex >>>

#EstadoDeMéxico.-The Governor of the State of Mexico, Delfina Gómez Álvarez began the delivery of 1,074 cards for the Health and Wellness Committees as part of the “La Clínica es Nuestra” program, with resources amounting to 684 million 800 thousand pesos that will be dispersed in a direct and transparent manner to strengthen the Mexiquense health system.

“Today we are gathered here to announce one more step in the guarantee of a universal and fundamental right for the people of Mexico, such as access to health, which is also a transversal axis to promote wellbeing and social justice for all,” emphasized Maestra Delfina Gómez Álvarez when highlighting that the state of Mexico is one of the most benefited by “La Clínica es Nuestra” (The Clinic is Ours).

From her home municipality, Governor Delfina Gómez Álvarez pointed out that the Government of Mexico allocated 648 million 800 thousand pesos to the State of Mexico to attend to this program through 501 Health Centers with one office; 288 with two offices; 122, with three to five offices, and 88 Health Centers with six or more offices, in addition to 75 specialized service centers. In Texcoco, 17 clinics with one office; five clinics with two offices; and five clinics with six or more offices will benefit.

“Hand in hand with the Government of Mexico and through this important ‘La Clínica es Nuestra’ program, we are ensuring that the people of Mexico receive the health services they deserve and that health workers have adequate working conditions,” said Delfina Gómez Álvarez.

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