viernes, julio 5, 2024
States in México

Guanajuato strengthens the triple helix, the engine of economic development in our state: Diego Sinhue / @gobiernogto >>>

#EstadoDeGuanajuato.- In Guanajuato we are committed to the efficient linkage between the academic, productive and governmental sectors, to reach the next level in our development.

This was stated by the Governor of the State, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, when presiding over the Second Ordinary Session of the State Productivity Commission.

He emphasized that the triple helix in Guanajuato does work, and is really an engine within the different actions we carry out to maintain the dynamism and growth in the productive activities of the state.

The Governor acknowledged the members of this council, whose contributions have been very important for the development and follow-up of the employability strategies implemented in the state.

He highlighted that in this session the reports of the work sub-commissions that have been integrated were presented, which have the objective of strengthening the link between the productive sectors and the academic institutions, through dual training or by means of the adaptation of curricular profiles.

Their results have a positive impact on the strategies that allow us to have a strong economy today, the fifth most important in the country, said the Governor.

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