domingo, mayo 5, 2024
Communications and Transport

Mailboxes ready to receive letters for the Three Wise Men in 337 post offices nationwide

#SecretaríaDeInfraestructuraComunicacionesYTransporte. –  Letters deposited in any of the 337 mailboxes installed by the Mexican Postal Service throughout the country will be delivered to Melchior, Gaspar and Baltazar up to the Star of Bethlehem, the place where the Three Wise Men come from.

The little ones will be able to leave their letters with their requests and wishes until January 5 during the usual hours that post offices throughout the country operate.

In addition, they will be able to purchase a Christmas kit containing a commemorative Christmas stamp and a letter envelope worth 17 pesos and 50 cents so that all children can make their list of gifts and send them to the Three Wise Men.

Children who visit the Palacio de los Deseos, in addition to placing their letter in the Christmas mailboxes, have the opportunity to participate in a workshop given by the staff of Correos de México where they will learn how to write and send a letter correctly.


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