viernes, mayo 3, 2024

Planet Youth SMA Presents the Results of the «Youth and Wellbeing 2021» Survey

#SanMiguelDeAllende, #Gto.- «In Planet Youth SMA we continue to make local coalitions, presenting the results of the survey «Youth and Wellbeing 2021″ we have gone to various neighborhoods such as: San Luis Rey, San Rafael, Santa Cecilia, Jardines II , Barrio de la Palmita, el Caracol , Bellavista, Allende ,Fraccionamiento La Luciérnaga and la Parroquia, promoting the strengthening of the Protective Factors through strategies according to the needs, interests and resources of each particular colony on actions to promote the good use of free time in recreational, playful, sports, artistic activities, etc. for the benefit of children and adolescents.»


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