viernes, mayo 3, 2024

Successful First International Cultural Festival «Atmosphere, Tecámac 2022»

#Tecámac, #EstadoDeMéxico.- This weekend, the municipal president Mariela Gutiérrez Escalante, kicked off the inaugural flight of the First International Cultural Festival «Atmósfera, Tecámac 2022», and made a call to build an environment of progress, gender equality to cement a transformation for all.

With the inauguration of the Felipe Angeles International Airport (AIFA), the mayor mentioned that with this great work, the economic vocation of the municipality and its insertion in modernity and development is redefined and it is a celebration for Mexicans, and that is the objective of this festival.

«It is not just any event, it is the triumph of honesty over corruption, it is the resurgence of hope. It is a resounding cry that yes we can, and also that nothing and no one can stop the transformation, when it arises from the courageous determination of the people,» she said.

In the presence of special guests, the municipal president said that in this new economic redefinition of Tecámac, the festival is designed to promote youth through culture and art.

«This festival is a small sample of what we are in Tecámac, and it is also the most appropriate scenario to unite us; to meet around bands, ballet, painting, books, gastronomy and all the manifestations of our culture; which together with sports are undoubtedly the best we have,» she said.

In this First Cultural Festival «Atmósfera, Tecámac 2022», Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba and the states of Tlaxcala and Oaxaca attended as guest countries.

In addition, 21 local and five foreign exhibitors participated, distributed in the atmosphere pavilions: arts, publishing, vocational, retro, food and rock.


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