viernes, julio 26, 2024
Outstanding Mayor

More military personnel arrive to support Safe Monterrey 2022 program

#Monterrey, #NuevoLeón. – In order to increase the surveillance and protection of citizens, this Tuesday, close to 300 elements of the Mexican Army and the National Guard arrived in the city to collaborate in Operation Safe Monterrey 2022.

The objective is to reinforce the work carried out jointly by municipal, state and federal authorities in the metropolitan area.

«They are returning with more support so we can affirm that Operation Safe Monterrey 2022 continues, the shielding of the entire metropolitan area continues, the cooperation between the different police forces remains… neither the efficiency nor the flow of information has been diminished.»

«It helps us a lot especially in those areas where we have little or no coverage by the Monterrey Police and where a more reactive approach or more intense patrols are needed, this in order to cover not only the main corridors and entrances and exits of the city and high impact connections with other parts of the metropolis», detailed the Municipal President of Monterrey, Luis Donaldo Colosio Riojas.


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