domingo, mayo 5, 2024

Muévete con Ganas! strengthens the activation and recreation of Tecamaquenses families

#Tecámac, #EstadoDeMéxico. – In these last five weeks, in Tecámac more than 10 thousand people have participated in sports and recreational activities within the program ¡Muévete con Ganas! promoted by the administration headed by Mayoress Mariela Gutiérrez Escalante, in the different parks and sports facilities of the demarcation.

With these actions the Mejor Gobierno Tecámac 22-24, strengthens the activation and recreation of Tecámac families, which since April 30, 2022, offers different options for them to spend moments of healthy recreation.

MuéveteConGanas! It takes place every Saturday, in different parts of the municipality so that citizens have the opportunity to perform these activities near their homes, and encourage coexistence among the inhabitants of each community.

Among the activities that took place this day were a dog walk, a bicycle ride, aerobic dance and boxing, volleyball, karate, Olympic wrestling and athletic training for people with disabilities, among others.

The places where these activities took place were:  Fraccionamiento Real del Cid, Real de Toscana, Villa del Real quinta sección, arcotechos Real del Sol, Real del Cid, Santo Domingo,  parque ecológico y deportivo Sierra Hermosa, Escuela Normal, Plaza Estado de México, deportivo Cedros, en Héroes Tecámac, deportivos Monarcas y Aranjuez, Plaza Mexiquense, Sector 48, 5 de Mayo y auditorio Ozumbilla.

With these actions, the mayoress of Tecámac, Mariela Gutiérrez, from the ranks of Morena, reiterates that recreation and sports are fundamental for the development of children and young people, and her government promotes these programs that provide a better life expectancy to the inhabitants of the municipality.

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