jueves, mayo 2, 2024
Economy and Tourism

The Ministry of Economy signs collaboration agreement with Amazon Mexico in support of mexican MiPyMEs

#SecretaríaDeEconomía.- Within the framework of the Summit of the Americas, the Secretary of Economy, Tatiana Clouthier, signed a collaboration agreement between the Ministry of Economy and Amazon Mexico to promote the digitalization and insertion of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) into e-commerce at a national and international level.

This agreement establishes the basis for joint efforts to promote, disseminate, market and internationalize the products of Mexican MSMEs through Amazon Mexico and thus contribute to their development and strengthening for greater participation in the domestic and foreign markets.

This agreement has two main objectives: the first is to promote exports of MSMEs so that they can increase their marketing channels, taking their products to the U.S. market through Amazon’s Global Program.

By the end of 2021, more than 20% of Mexican sellers on Amazon will also offer their products on the Amazon US marketplace. The second objective is to integrate artisan companies into the Amazon Handmade category, which currently has more than 3,000 artisans and a selection of more than 160,000 handmade products on amazon.com.mx.


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