domingo, mayo 5, 2024
States in México

The bicentennial mexiquense cultural center prepares sports and cultural activities for people with disabilities

#EstadoDeMéxico.- The Centro Cultural Mexiquense Bicentenario (CCMB) invites people with disabilities to participate in the cultural and sports day to be held on July 1, in order to physically activate them and bring them closer to culture.

The event will take place at the facilities of this cultural complex located at Carretera Federal Los Reyes-Texcoco Km 14.3, on the corner of General Manuel González, San Miguel Coatlinchán, Texcoco, State of Mexico.

The objective is to integrate sports and culture in a safe environment, where parents and their children will have the opportunity to participate in some of the workshops and visits that have been prepared by professionals in the field.

This type of events are created so that people living with disabilities in the State of Mexico have the appropriate spaces to get involved in sports and culture, in order to sensitize and motivate parents and children, so that they can integrate into adapted sports, first in an occupational way, but with the possibility of entering the competitive field.


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