viernes, mayo 3, 2024

Elements of the Civil Guard in Tecámac, Edoméx, find container with stolen radioactive material / @MarielaGtzEsc @MejorTecamac >>>

#Tecámac, #Edoméx.- The Civil Guard of Tecámac was alerted three days ago of the theft of a vehicle with industrial radiography equipment containing a radioactive source of Iridium-192 (Ir-192), so they gave instructions to the units of the corporation to search for this device that put the population at risk, which they found this Saturday morning.

The police found the red container, with the logo of the company TICSA S.A. de C.V., which was abandoned on Golondrinas Avenue, in the San Pedro Atzompa neighborhood, a few kilometers from where it was stolen with violence in the limits of the municipalities of Nextlalpan and Zumpango, adjacent to the territory of Tecamaquense.

The Sixth Sector Neighborhood Guard immediately set up a security fence to protect the radioactive material, and requested the assistance of the Federal Civil Protection and Tecámac Civil Protection Directorate, so that the corresponding protocols could be applied.

Since last Thursday, the National Nuclear Safety and Safeguards Commission (CONASENUSA) had issued an alert, since such material represents a high health risk.

The radioactive source will be transferred to the company’s storage bunker, where it will be suitably treated for containment. Iridium-192 of the TT3427 series, a material that is extremely hazardous because its radiation can cause alterations to health and the environment.

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