jueves, mayo 9, 2024

Mariela Gutiérrez attends to historical infrastructure backlogs in Original Towns of Tecámac, Edoméx / @MarielaGtzEsc @MejorTecamac >>>

#Tecámac, #Edoméx.- The Municipal President of Tecámac, Mariela Gutiérrez Escalante, supervised the modernization works of the main drainage network of San Lucas Xolox, as part of the actions that address the historical backwardness of the original towns, which were abandoned by previous administrations.

She acknowledged that together, society and government are making an effort to reverse the backwardness left by the corrupt municipal governments, which invested very little in infrastructure.

The mayoress said that a characteristic of the municipal government she heads is to administer public resources with honesty, to seek maximum efficiency and not to think of personal benefit with commercial plazas, furniture stores or land with the people’s money.

The works are being carried out on three kilometers of the main drainage network, with 38 centimeter HDPE pipe in the avenues and streets Morelos, Nuevo México, Francisco I. Madero, Del Panteón, San Juan and soon on Hidalgo Street.

Gutiérrez Escalante said that to complement this great work, a collector of 3,644 linear meters must be built to carry the water to the treatment plant through the northeast collector that runs parallel to the Mexico-Pachuca federal highway, which will also solve the problem of Los Reyes Acozac.

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