jueves, mayo 2, 2024

With the participation of 9,299 people, the municipality of Tecámac, in Edoméx, has 690 neighborhood crime prevention networks / @MarielaGtzEsc @MejorTecamac >>>

#Tecámac, #Edoméx.- In the municipality of Tecámac there are 690 neighborhood networks with the participation of 9,299 people, which are coordinated with the Civil Guard and through which it has been possible to improve the response of the police to calls for help, provide greater security to the population and increase the effectiveness in crime prevention.

One of the concerns of the municipal president, Mariela Gutiérrez Escalante, is not only to combat insecurity and crime, but also to have a better prepared and trained police force that citizens can trust.

Through these networks, tecamaquenses can report in a prompt and timely manner any incident or criminal act, since they have direct contact with the Civil Guard corporation, and allow a fortunate response capacity.

The neighbors themselves, through the lance chiefs and the Citizen Participation Committees (COPACIS) promote their own neighborhood network in which they can make reports directly and which are attended to by the service chief.

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