sábado, mayo 18, 2024

The mayoress of Tecámac, Mariela Gutiérrez, meets with the «Bombarderos» accompanied by the player Charlyn Corral / @MarielaGtzEsc @MejorTecamac >>>

#Tecámac, #Edoméx.- The Municipal President, Mariela Gutiérrez Escalante, visited the professional soccer team Bombarderos de Tecámac and the women’s team Bombarderas, in which she was accompanied by the former star of Atlético de Madrid, from Spain, and current member of Pachuca, Charlyn Corral.

Before traveling to the World Cup in Qatar as a commentator, the former national team member visited the «El Hangar» stadium, located in the Sierra Hermosa Ecological and Sports Park, home of the local team that participates in the Third Professional Division (TDP).

Together with the mayoress, she met with players (who participate in different selections) and players of the TDP, with whom he talked and exchanged experiences, and recalled that he studied in elementary school at the school attached to the Normal de Tecámac and here in the municipality, practically, she began his successful soccer career.

She recalled that in his career he has always tried to put Mexico’s name on high, whether he played for Levante and Atlético de Madrid in Spain, or when he played in the United States.

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