sábado, mayo 4, 2024
Communications and Transport

SICT’s head cancels stamp 100 years of Ricardo Flores Magón’s Luctuary Anniversary / @jorgenunol @SCT_mx >>>

#SICT.- The Secretary of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT), Jorge Nuño Lara, led the cancellation of the first day of issue of the postage stamp 100 Years Anniversary of Ricardo Flores Magón.

«This postage stamp that we have the honor of canceling today is a repository of the history of a good man who fought with his life for a just, libertarian Mexico, with equality for all,» he said.

In the company of the spokesperson of the Presidency of the Republic, Jesús Ramírez Cuevas; the general director of the Mexican Postal Service (Sepomex)/ Correos de México, Rocío Bárcena Molina, and the great-grandson of Ricardo Flores Magón, Diego Flores, the head of the SICT emphasized:

«It is an honor to cancel this stamp dedicated to Ricardo Flores Magón, commemorating the centennial of his death, and to honor with it his ideology, as one of the precursors of the Mexican Revolution.»

#MéxicoNewsTvMéxico Noticias tv

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