miércoles, mayo 1, 2024
Health and Safety

Issste strengthens process reengineering for the benefit of beneficiaries / @drpedrozenteno @ISSSTE_mx >>>

#ISSSTE.- The Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (Issste) has highly trained personnel to achieve its transformation and move towards a new service model, and for the first time, they were able to carry out the Financial and Actuarial Report, which in previous administrations was paid to consultancies. There is a reengineering of the processes, informed Hidalgo Borghio Ruiz Hernández, Regulatory Director of Prospective and Institutional Planning.

The workers, based on their knowledge, show that the agency has the capacity to generate high quality products, he remarked.

The law requires this document to be reviewed by an external entity for corroboration, but for the first time people who know the institute and who are part of its workforce, carried out this analysis, which is delivered every year and serves to support decision-making and the development of programs and strategies that benefit the beneficiaries, he pointed out.

General Director Pedro Zenteno Santaella’s instruction is to consolidate a firm and productive Issste through the revision of regulations, issuance of manuals from the administrative and institutional aspect, and align them with legal instruments; from the Normative Direction we review these criteria focused mainly on improving clinical care, which is one of the most important benefits, he said.

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