martes, mayo 7, 2024
Outstanding Mayor

Raymundo Martínez supervises sidewalk rehabilitation works with a gender perspective in Toluca / @RaymundoMC @TolucaGob >>>

#Toluca, #Edoméx.- The Mayor of Toluca, Raymundo Martínez Carbajal, supervised two important works that seek to improve mobility in the city: the paving of Morelos Avenue and the rehabilitation of sidewalks on the same road, which, he emphasized, is being carried out with a gender perspective.

«As we offered, the paving of sidewalks has an impact basically in the field of gender vision, they are designed for women, so that they can walk comfortably on our sidewalks,» said the mayor in a message to the population.

The mayor explained that women are the ones who walk on the sidewalks the most, and many times they do it carrying bags or accompanied by children or elderly people, since they -he said- are the providers of the household.

He mentioned that these sidewalks are also designed for working women, since when they go to work they do it in slippers and dress clothes, so these sidewalks are designed to allow them to walk freely and without difficulty.

This vision of works focused on women, added the mayor, is a campaign commitment fulfilled and an emblematic work that shows how this administration of the Toluca City Hall wants to carry out the work.

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