viernes, julio 26, 2024
Communications and Transport

SICT-FAA agree to continue Category 1 recovery work / @jorgenunol @SCT_mx >>>

#SICT.- The Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) agreed to continue with the audit process of the Federal Civil Aviation Agency (AFAC), through a technical assistance exercise from February 6 to 10, so that Mexico is prepared and can regain its Category 1 status in terms of air safety as soon as possible.

This was informed by the head of the SICT, Jorge Nuño Lara, after specifying that among the actions carried out by Mexico is the initiative of an amendment to the Civil Aviation Law to strengthen the functions of the ACAA in verification and operational safety; the regulatory investigation of accidents and incidents; issuance, suspension, cancellation or revocation of certificates of psychophysical fitness; in addition to the incorporation of an area of aviation medicine to evaluate aeronautical-technical personnel.

He also indicated that the CAIA developed an Integral Action Plan to attend the final audit phase of the International Aviation Safety Assessment Program (IASA).

This plan, he emphasized, will facilitate the recovery of Category 1 with the implementation of an updated International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Electronic Dispute Notification System Platform, with the modifications to the National Aviation Legislation and the adoption of the new amendments to ICAO standards.

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