sábado, julio 27, 2024
Economy and Tourism

GEM offers programs with benefits to Mexican companies / @alfredodelmazo @Edomex >>>

#Edoméx.- Executives of various micro, small and medium-sized companies (MSMEs) from the State of Mexico met with the Secretary of Economic Development, Pablo Peralta García, to review the benefits obtained from the various programs promoted by the Government of the State of Mexico.

At the meeting, members of the companies FERSO, located in Toluca, Distribuidora y Comercializadora San Andrés, from Jilotepec, Saviloe, from Tlalnepantla, and Austin Products, from Naucalpan, highlighted that, as a result of Sedeco’s actions, they have been able to increase their production, have business roundtables and participate in national and international expos and fairs.

The head of Sedeco, Pablo Peralta, indicated that since the administration of Governor Alfredo Del Mazo, a large number of MSMEs have been assisted by the General Directorate of Commerce, headed by Juan Pedrozo, to facilitate their development in the market and become part of the supply chain of self-service stores and department stores.

In the State of Mexico there is a large number of companies that are assisted by Sedeco, supporting them with advisory programs, commercial linkage and actions for the development of their products, he commented.

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