viernes, mayo 17, 2024
Education and Culture

Chiautempan’s creative hotbed of theater and puppetry showcases the talent of children in Tlaxcala / @alefrausto @cultura_mx >>>

#SecretaríaDeCultura.-Since its creation in 2019, the Semillero creativo de Teatro y Títeres in Chiautempan, Tlaxcala, has had 15 presentations and staged several plays, the most recent being Galápago, by author Salvador Lemis, which had a presentation today, February 16, in the park of the municipality «La ciudad de los niños». It is a black theater play where girls, boys and young people reflect their constant concern about environmental care awareness.

«Gali is a little turtle who embarks on a journey around the world, with the purpose of finding three things that help grandmother Jicotea to live: a little piece of sky, a drop of dew and a flower that never dies. On this journey Gali will meet special characters that will teach her valuable lessons, as well as a reflection on the current state of nature», explained Alexandra, a member of the seedbed.

The performance was attended by the Secretary of Culture of the Government of Mexico, Alejandra Frausto Guerrero, as part of the constant visits that Secretary Frausto Guerrero makes to the creative Semilleros throughout the country. It is worth remembering that these are free artistic training groups with a community approach for the country’s children and youth, where their participation in artistic life, critical thinking and their positioning as cultural agents are promoted.

The federal official shared with the members of the seedbed that, throughout the country there are more than 300 groups like this one, which is why art and culture have brought them together: «there are more than 300 spaces where magic, music and poetry are happening, places that had only been studied on a map at school. That which seemed impossible is done by culture and that is what you do with art; art opens the mind, the heart, the imagination, but it is linked with a very great discipline, with a love for what you do and with an impressive dedication. Collectively you are able to transport us to another world, to an imaginary world with conscious and loving characters».

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