miércoles, mayo 8, 2024
Distinguished news

In Tlalnepantla de Baz, State of Mexico, the municipal government strengthens public policies in favour of older adults / @TonyRodriguezMX @Gob_Tlalne >>>

#Tlalnepantla, #Edoméx.- In response to the request of the elderly to have a healthy and dignified ageing, the Municipal President, Marco Antonio Rodríguez Hurtado assured that his government will continue to strengthen public policies in favour of this sector, such as expanding rest homes, nutritional improvement, legal services, health caravans and assigning specialists in geriatrics, psychology, podiatry, massage therapy and dentistry, as well as an integral programmed for the regularization of birth certificates, patrimonial and testamentary documents.

During the sixth session of Tlalnepantla’s Cabildo abierto held at the «Karol Wojtyla» rest home in the East zone, the Mayor affirmed that the care of the elderly needs direct programmers and actions from the local administration, and not only governmental economic support, which is not enough to live the last stage of their lives peacefully.

«I insist that it is better to have a direct public policy that benefits, than to generate a public policy that caused a serious problem such as taking away the Seguro Popular, which was safe and popular, and of direct general benefit, to an economic issue that is not enough for anything, and the elderly have told me this a lot,» said Tony Rodriguez.

#MéxicoNewsTv – México Noticias tv

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