miércoles, mayo 1, 2024
Education and Culture

Students from the National School of Dance Nellie and Gloria Campobello participate in a different creative process / @alefrausto @cultura_mx >>>

#SecretaríaDeCultura.- Students from the Escuela Nacional de Danza Nellie y Gloria Campobello of the Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura (Inbal), a body of the Secretaría de Cultura del Gobierno de México, held the second day of Stage Practices at the Teatro de la Danza Guillermina Bravo of the Centro Cultural del Bosque.

The director of the school, Rocío Rangel Cuenca, explained that the idea of these practices is that the students participate in a creative process different from the daily work that is done inside the school.

The Escuela Nacional de Danza Nellie y Gloria Campobello has three training orientations: Spanish, folkloric and contemporary dance. Rocío Rangel commented that the stage experience is fundamental in the professional training of an artist, «it implies not only the execution, but also the interpretation of a creative work.

«Performing in public gives them the opportunity to recognize themselves as dancers and as teachers, because our school offers them the double possibility, both the technical execution part and the possibility of learning the staging process for when it is their turn to be teachers,» she added.

#MéxicoNewsTvMéxico Noticias tv

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