sábado, julio 27, 2024
Distinguished news

Municipality of Ecatepec joins the Integral Strategy Against Violence against Women and Girls / @FerVilchisMx @Ecatepec >>>>

#Ecatepec, #Edoméx.- The municipal president of Ecatepec, Fernando Vilchis Conteras, informed that the municipality has joined the Integral Strategy Against Violence against Women and Girls at the national level, with the aim of continuing to strengthen actions to prevent and eradicate gender violence throughout the territory.

Vilchis Contreras informed that the municipal government will join the three axes proposed by the Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection, Rosa Icela Rodríguez Velázquez, which are based on the prevention, attention and punishment of illegal acts against women and girls.

The mayor informed that an awareness-raising strategy will be carried out among students, both men and women, so that the foundations for preventing gender-based violence are laid at an early age in educational centres, in order to bring about a fundamental change in society.

The mayor reiterated: «In Ecatepec we are building more opportunities for many women to develop individually and professionally and we will continue to work in coordination with the federal government to build safe public and private spaces, free of violence for women and girls.

She announced that from the table for the construction of peace that she heads in Ecatepec, they will reinforce coordination with the Prosecutor’s Offices and Justice Centres to jointly and opportunely attend to cases in which the integrity of women has been violated.

#MéxicoNewsTv – México Noticias tv

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