viernes, mayo 3, 2024
Communications and Transport

Safe return by road with recommendations from SICT / @jorgenunol @SCT_mx >>>

#SICT.- In this long weekend return, the Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT) shares the following recommendations for a safe trip: use your seat belt, respect the traffic signs and speed limits installed along the roads.

When boarding your vehicle, fasten your seat belt and make sure that all occupants of the car are wearing them while driving. Confirm that they are wearing it correctly; the belt should be worn over the shoulder.

While driving, do not use your cell phone. This reduces your ability to react, especially when braking or when facing traffic signals, which makes it difficult to stay in the correct lane and keep the distance between vehicles.

If you need to make an urgent call, it is advisable to park on one of the shoulders, taking care that it is not on a curve, in order to avoid an incident. Turn on your turn signals.

If you are going to drive, avoid drinking alcoholic beverages and the use of drugs that may induce sleep, since they tend to affect essential functions for safe driving, such as vision and reflexes.

#MéxicoNewsTvMéxico Noticias tv

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