jueves, mayo 2, 2024

Civil Protection and Firefighters of Tecámac reinforce training courses / @MejorTecamac >>>

#Tecámac, #Edoméx.- In view of the constant earthquakes and the risks caused by heavy rains, the Civil Protection and Firefighters Coordination of Tecámac reinforced the training courses on the subject and invited the population to participate, especially students of all educational levels, so that they are prepared to react to any contingency.

As part of this dynamic, the students of the Frida Kahlo kindergarten went to the Civil Protection facilities in the Hueyotenco neighborhood, where the paramedics and firefighters demonstrated the different tasks they perform in case of emergency.

Also the students, accompanied by their parents, toured the different areas of the Fire Station, where the trained personnel taught them some first aid techniques.

In addition, they were given a tour aboard the fire truck, and learned how it works, as well as the skills that Civil Protection personnel must have to extinguish fires.

The parents were also instructed on the actions to follow in case of an accident, such as having the emergency number 5938 8888 at hand, to request help for the population at risk.

Civil Protection carries out this type of courses on a permanent basis, which are carried out to promote the culture in this matter.

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