viernes, mayo 3, 2024
Federal Government

International Dance Day commemorated with folkloric dances / @alfredodelmazo @Edomex >>>

#EstadoDeMéxico.- As part of the celebrations for International Dance Day, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the State of Mexico organized a variety of activities.

As part of the Cultural Sundays program, a Dance Encounter was held at the Agora of the Museum of Anthropology and History of the Mexiquense Cultural Center in Toluca.

The state agency highlighted the importance of dance as an artistic expression that crosses cultural and ethnic barriers; on this occasion, the folkloric dance companies «Xochipilli Toltecayotl», from Ocoyoacac, «Quetzalli», from Coyuca de Benítez, Guerrero, and «Danzart», from Toluca, participated in the event.

The dancers wore colorful costumes to show their talent and love for dance, sharing pieces that are part of Mexico’s traditional dance repertoire.

Among the pieces that the public enjoyed was the Huapango, by José Pablo Moncayo, a work that cheers the spirit of those who listen to it and gives identity to Mexicans. This is the most representative work of its composer and the most recognized in the country and abroad.

Likewise, La iguana, an original piece from the state of Guerrero, with which they showed their discipline and transmitted a unique style, in addition to extolling the beauty of Mexican traditions; the pirouettes of the iguanas were very applauded.

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