viernes, julio 26, 2024
Distinguished news

Montserrat Caballero positions Tijuana as a land of opportunity for migrants at the Summit of the Americas / @Montserrat4T @gobtijuanamx >>>

#Tijuana, #B.C.- Within the framework of the First Summit of Cities of the Americas, the Mayor of Tijuana, Montserrat Caballero Ramírez, informed leaders from all over the continent about the actions taken by the XXIV City Council in favor of the migrant population, attending to their needs and promoting their integration to this city that has ceased to be a place to pass through and has become a land of opportunities.

During her intervention in the panel «The role of local governments in the reception and integration of migrants and refugees in cities of the Americas», the Mayor of Tijuana explained how they transformed public policies in this area, taking into account that only between 2010 and 2020 the population increased by 23.3% and one of the main causes of this upturn was migration.

«Our government saw the need to stop treating migration as a problem and treat it as a situation, because it is a human condition that is lived day by day, and begin to build public policies in this regard,» said Caballero Ramirez to those present.

She added that she is the first migrant mayor of Tijuana, originally from Oaxaca, «and my condition as a migrant allows me to know in detail the situations that lead one to migrate, as well as the risks and stigmas that people in a situation of displacement suffer for a better life».

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