sábado, mayo 4, 2024

The SSC issues the following prevention recommendations for the rainy season in San Miguel de Allende / @MauricioTrejoP @GobMunicipalSMA >>>

#SanMiguelDeAllende, #Gto.- In order to avoid any contingency like the ones presented in 2021, the Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC) informs the citizens of San Miguel about prevention recommendations for the upcoming rainy season.

According to the forecast of the National Meteorological System (SMN), this rainy season (from May to November) is expected to present some intense rains in the center of the country, so San Miguel de Allende has already prepared the Contingency Plan 2023, to be prepared for this possibility and not be affected as happened in May 2021, when floods were recorded in different parts of the San Miguel de Allende territory.

In view of this recent history in the municipal territory, the SSC is leading the prevention work with full adherence to the protocols of action. In addition, the Municipal Civil Protection Council headed by President Mauricio Trejo is already active and alert to any risk situation in San Miguel’s territory, in order to prevent any emergency that may arise before, during and after heavy rains.

In this regard, the Civil Protection Department (PC) issued recommendations to the people of San Miguel, especially those who live near bodies of water, and warned of the consequences of ignoring them and endangering their lives, since the water will sweep along its path and any clogging also generates problems in the drainage of accumulated water.

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