Delta, Foxconn and Quanta Computers will arrive in NL, Delta, Foxconn and Quanta Computers, the world’s leading technology manufacturers / @samuel_garcias @nuevoleon >>>
#EstadoDeNuevoLeón.- Because for Nuevo León there are no impossibilities, Governor Samuel Alejandro García Sepúlveda met with executives from the world’s largest technology manufacturers and service providers, in an effort to attract greater investment for the state in the technology and electric car sectors.
Continuing with his work tour in Asia, Samuel Garcia has met with executives from Delta, Foxconn and Quanta Computers to highlight the advantages of investing in the state, being only two hours away from the border with the United States and with the Colombia Bridge, the fastest border crossing for commercial transportation.
The President highlighted the meeting with executives from Delta, which is the manufacturer of electric components for most electric cars and is interested in Nuevo Leon. It is a $17 billion dollar company.
With Foxconn officials, the Governor announced that the company will send a delegation to Nuevo Leon to be present at the «Americas Mobility of the Future 2023» meeting to be held on June 6 and 7 at Cintermex.
«Very happy, we left Foxconn here, we are with the managers are going to go soon to Nuevo León to send a delegation especially to the Electromobility event this June 6 and 7,» said García Sepúlveda in a video uploaded to his social networks.
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