sábado, julio 27, 2024
Communications and Transport

Tour of Gonzalez Arratia square in Toluca; works supervised / @Edomex >>>

#Edoméx.- As a result of its development as an economic, political and cultural center, the capital of the State of Mexico has undergone several renovations that respond to the needs of each era; today the face of the Historic Center looks different and provides families with spaces where they can live, learn and have fun.

One of the most emblematic meeting points in the center of the capital of the State of Mexico is the González Arratia Plaza, which the Governor of the State of Mexico visited to verify that the renovations being carried out in this place are functional, accessible and that all people can enjoy them.

Together with the Secretary of Urban Development and State Works, the Governor observed the works being developed in this square located next to the portals, which, like the Parque de la Ciencia Fundadores and the Plaza de los Mártires, will become a green lung for the capital, since nearly half of its surface will be made up of green areas.

The González Arratia Plaza renovation project includes the renovation of the kiosk, walkways, a playground and pedestrian bridges that will connect to the portals, as well as a gallery and a cafeteria.

#MéxicoNewsTvMéxico News tv

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