jueves, mayo 16, 2024

Tecámac City Council recommends to avoid acquiring properties located in irregular zones / @MarielaGtzEsc @MejorTecamac >>>

#Tecámac, #Edoméx.- The Municipal Government of Tecámac, through the Housing Department of the General Directorate of Planning, Regulation and Land Administration, recommends that people interested in acquiring a house or land, to verify the legal status of the property to avoid falling into a fraudulent situation.

They recommend that before acquiring a property, they should check if the lot or property has the corresponding municipal authorizations and thus have legal certainty when purchasing a property.

The consultation is free of charge and interested parties should go to the office of the General Direction of Planning, Regulation and Land Administration, located on the second floor of the Municipal Palace, with the exact address of the property they wish to purchase.

The municipal agency specifies that people who buy a lot located in an irregular zone will not have water, electricity, drainage or paving, since by law these places cannot be provided with these basic services.

The penalty for selling lots without authorization can be up to 50 million pesos or 10 years in jail, according to Article 189 of the Penal Code of the State of Mexico.

In addition, an irregular lot cannot be inherited, transferred or sold; since people who acquire a property in this situation will never have legal certainty over the patrimony they have acquired.

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