viernes, mayo 17, 2024
Health and Safety

Doctors at the IMSS-Bienestar Hospital in Tecuala remove tumor weighing more than 10 kilograms and save the life of a minor / @zoerobledo @Tu_IMSS >>>

#IMSS.- A multidisciplinary team of health personnel from the IMSS-Bienestar Hospital in Tecuala, performed a second surgical intervention for the health of a beneficiary (from the Tepehuana ethnic group), as they removed a myoma larger than a soccer ball and weighing more than 10 kilograms.

The director of the IMSS-Bienestar Hospital in Tecuala Nayarit, Dr. Pedro Jimenez Vega informed that the minor patient Abril «N», 16 years old, is originally from the community of El Filo in the same municipality, presented intense pain with an evolution of more than two months.

«The minor patient was attended in a timely manner for a diagnosis of a giant left ovarian cyst tumor. This surgery was carried out thanks to the fact that the Hospital has sufficient supplies, a functional operating room, an available blood bank and a full staff in the surgical area,» he explained.

He explained that the surgery was performed without complications. A tumor mass weighing approximately 10 kilos was obtained. After the surgery, the patient showed a very good recovery and no health complications.

Dr. Jimenez Vea pointed out that after the surgery and after 3 days of observation, the patient was discharged home, practically with her health recovered and with a higher quality of life expectancy.

The mother of the minor, Mrs. Claudia Sujey «N» expressed her feelings regarding the care given to her daughter, «I would like to thank all the doctors, anesthesiologists, gynecologists, nurses and everyone here at IMSS-Bienestar de Tecuala. It is very good care, there are many doctors and specialists and it is a good service».

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