martes, mayo 14, 2024
Outstanding Governor

CESPTE promotes payment methods for potable water service in Baja California / @MarinadelPilar @BCGobierno >>>

#EstadoDeBajaCalifornia.- The Comisión Estatal de Servicios Públicos de Tecate (CESPTE), invites users to make the timely payment of the potable water service, for this purpose it offers different methods to make the payment.

Payment can be made at LEY, OXXO, SORIANA, MARKET VIP, TELECOMM and GASMART stores, until the due date of the bill.

At Banco Santander you can pay in full or in advance by presenting the bar code on the receipt at the teller window.

Through the web portal on the top left tab of the page «WHERE TO PAY?», then click on «PAY ONLINE» where the only requirement is to enter the User Account number.

The mobile application is another option, in phones with Android or iOS system through the respective mobile stores download the APP with the name of CESPTE.

Finally, the agency has self-payment ATMs, three located at its main offices, on Misión de San Francisco s/n Street in Descanso subdivision, open all week, 24 hours a day, two more ATMs in offices known as Centro Urbano, on Universidad Boulevard in Pedregal subdivision, open daily from 7:00 to 19:00 hours, and one more ATM, known as Tanque Quince, located in El Refugio neighborhood, on 15th Street, open seven days a week from 7:00 to 19:00 hours.

For his part, the director of the water agency, Alejandro Castro, indicated that it is the responsibility of the users to pay their water service on time, but the agency’s responsibility is to provide tools that allow them to do so quickly and safely, in addition to the fact that the collection helps to continue bringing strategic projects to the municipality, as well as providing maintenance to the water networks of the magical town.

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